Dec. 27, 2021

India looks set to overtake France next year and then Britain in 2023 to regain its place as the world's sixth biggest economy.


  • In a report released, the British consultancy CEBR said the world's economic output will exceed 100 trillion dollar for the first time next year and it will take China a little longer than previously thought to overtake the United States as the No.1 economy.

  • CEBR predicted China will become the world's top economy in dollar terms in 2030, two years later than forecast in last year's World Economic League Table report.

  • The important issue for the 2020s is how the world economies cope with inflation, which has now reached 6.8 per cent in the U.S.

  • The report showed Germany was on track to overtake Japan in terms of economic output in 2033. Russia could become a Top 10 economy by 2036 and Indonesia looks on track for ninth place in 2034.

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