May 5, 2019

India has dropped two places on the World Press Freedom Index 2019' released by Reporters Without Borders, to be ranked 140th out of 180 countries.

Key highlights of the Index:

  • Top rankers: Norway is ranked first while Finland is second placed.

  • Bottom rankers: Turkmenistan (at 180th) is now last, replacing North Korea (up one at 179th). China is ranked at 177th.

  • South Asia: South Asia in general features poorly on the index, with Pakistan dropping three places to 142, and Bangladesh dropping four places to 150.

Indian scenario:

  • India has dropped two places to be ranked 140th out of 180 countries.

  • Violence against journalists including police violence, attacks by Maoist fighters and reprisals by criminal groups or corrupt politicians is a striking characteristics of the press freedom in India.

  • At least six Indian journalists were killed in connection with their work in 2018.

  • Attacks against journalists increased in the run-up to general elections in the spring of 2019.

  • There is an alarming rate of coordinated hate campaigns waged on social networks against journalists who dare to speak or write about subjects that annoy Hindutva.

  • Coverage of sensitive regions, such as Kashmir, continues to be very difficult. Foreign reporters are barred from Kashmir and the Internet is often disconnected there.

Source : The Hindu