Yanomami people

Feb. 11, 2023

The Brazilian government has recently taken action to remove illegal miners from the largest Indigenous reserve in the Amazon where the Yanomami people live.

About Yanomami people:

  • The Yanomami tribe is a group of indigenous people who live in an area spanning the border region between Venezuela (Orinoco River basin) and Brazil.
  • They are also called South American Indians.
  • They speak the Xirianá language.
  • Economy and Occupation: They are foraging horticulturists who depend on shifting cultivation, the gathering of fruits, banana cultivation, hunting, etc., for their livelihood.

Who is Davi Kopenawa Yanomami?

  • He is known as the ‘Dalai Lama of the Rainforest’.
  • He was the recipient of the Right to Livelihood Award in Stockholm in Sweden (also called the Alternative Nobel Prize).
  • He is well known for leading the 20-year campaign of the Yanomami people to protect their traditional lands which is the largest rainforest area under indigenous control in the world.

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