Yellow Food Dye

Sept. 10, 2024

Recently, a recent study has demonstrated that tartrazine, a common food dye, can make the skin of living mice temporarily transparent.

About Yellow Food Dye:

  • It is also known as tartrazine and is a synthetic food colorant classified as an azo dye.
  • It is lemon yellow in color and water-soluble.
  • It is used in many dairy products, beverages, desserts and confectionaries etc.

Highlight of the study

  • This dye absorbs blue light strongly, which yields its characteristic orange-to-red color when dissolved in water.
  • This happens because the blue part of the light is absorbed, leaving only the orange-to-red part visible.
  • Normally, biological tissues scatter light due to their diverse composition of proteins, fats, and liquids.
  • Researchers found that a concentrated tartrazine solution can match the refractive indices of these components, reducing light scattering and allowing light to pass through. This makes the skin appear transparent.
  • When applied, tartrazine absorbs certain wavelengths of light, especially red light, changing how light interacts with the tissue.
  • This effect enabled the researchers to see blood vessels, internal organs, and muscle contractions in real time.

Potential Applications

  • This technique could simplify blood draws, improve laser tattoo removal and aid in early cancer detection.