Mains Daily Question
March 17, 2022

Define soil erosion and its various types. Describe in brief different methods of controlling soil erosion.

Model Answer

Soil erosion is defined as the wearing away of the topsoil. Topsoil is the most fertile part of the soil because it contains the most organic and nutrient rich materials. So, wearing away of the topsoil makes the land less fertile and reduces the productivity of the land.

Following are the various types of soil erosion:

  1. Water Erosion: It is caused by the action of water either through splash or flow.

For example, splash erosion, sheet erosion, rill and gully erosion.

  1. Wind Erosion: It is common in arid region where soil is chiefly sandy and vegetation cover is poor. It may be of various types like saltation, suspension, surface creep, etc.

  2. Landslides or Slip Erosion: It occurs when hydraulic pressure caused by heavy rains increases the weight of rocks which come under the gravitation force.

Methods of controlling Soil Erosion:

  1. Afforestation and increasing vegetation cover in an area especially on slopes, arid region and wasteland.


  1. Adopting good agronomics practices like,

  2. Contour farming coupled with terracing on the hill slopes to reduce the flow of water.

  3. Mulching, which prevents the soil from wind erosion.

  4. Crop rotation to increase the nutrients in soil.

  5. Strip cropping to check the flow of water and wind.

  6. Mechanical methods like constructing small basin or channel terraces along the slope to intercept the runoff water.

  7. Stream bank protection by growing trees alongside the river bank.

Soil erosion and loss of fertile soil is a major concern today. India alone has lost millions of fertile lands due to soil erosion and desertification. SDG goals highlight the importance of reducing land degradation in achieving food security. Various government initiatives like increasing forest cover, planting trees on river banks, urban forestry, agro forestry, etc. will help in controlling soil loss due to erosion.

Subjects : Geography
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