Mains Daily Question
Dec. 21, 2023

Q.1) How do income inequality and lack of access to healthcare contribute to health disparities in India's urban areas? Mention the initiatives taken by the Indian government to address health issues related to urbanization? (10M/150W)

Model Answer

Approach to the answer: 

Understanding and structuring the answer: Write how do income inequality and lack of access to healthcare, contribute to health disparities in India's urban areas. Also highlight initiatives taken by the government to address health issues.  


Type 1: Start with data on gap between rich and poor – its impact on poor population.  

Type 2: Start with data on poor health indicators in urban areas, especially among poor population.  

Body: Write impact of income inequality and lack of access to healthcare on health disparities in India's urban areas. Then highlight initiatives taken by the government to address these issues.    


Type 1: Conclude with a way forward.  

Type 2: Summarize the entire scenario and conclude on a positive note. 



Answer: India has a highly stratified society with a large income gap between the rich and poor. As per OXFAM report the top 10% of the Indian population holds 77% of the total national wealth. This income inequality, which is very sharp in urban areas, along with unequal access to healthcare results in unequal health outcomes. 


Impact of Income Inequality on health disparities in India's urban areas: 


  • Financial Barriers: Lack of access to affordable healthcare services, high out-of-pocket expenses, and inadequate health insurance coverage pose significant challenges for individuals with lower incomes. 
  • Health Behaviors: Income disparities influence health behaviors, with lower-income individuals often facing challenges in accessing nutritious food, engaging in physical activity, and adopting preventive health practices.  
  • Occupational Health Hazards: Income inequality can lead to occupational health disparities, as lower-income individuals often face hazardous working conditions, inadequate safety measures, and limited access to occupational healthcare. 


Impact of lack of access to healthcare on health disparities in India's urban areas:


  • Limited Healthcare Infrastructure: Urban areas experiencing rapid urbanization may face inadequate healthcare infrastructure to cater to the growing population. This results in overcrowded hospitals, long waiting times, and compromised healthcare quality. 
  • Informal Settlements and Slums: Urban areas often have informal settlements and slums where access to basic healthcare services, sanitation, and clean water is limited, leading to a higher prevalence of diseases and health disparities.  
  • Unequal access to healthcare: Income inequality creates unequal access to healthcare. Wealthy individuals can afford private healthcare, while poorer individuals must rely on government healthcare, which is often underfunded and understaffed.  


Major healthcare initiatives are: 


  • National Urban Health Mission (NUHM): The NUHM launched in 2013 focuses on providing basic healthcare services, including immunization, antenatal care, and treatment for non-communicable diseases, particularly the urban poor.  
  • Ayushman Bharat: It is a national public health insurance fund of the Government of India that aims to provide free access to health insurance coverage for low-income earners in the country. 
  • Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM): Launched in 2014, this program aims to make India clean and free from open defecation. The mission includes the construction of toilets, solid waste management, and improved sanitation facilities in urban areas, which can help to reduce the spread of infectious diseases. 


Additional information: 

  • Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY): Launched in 2005, this program aims to promote institutional deliveries among urban women. The program provides financial incentives to women who deliver in a health facility and provides free transport to the facility. 
  • Smart Cities Mission: The Smart Cities Mission incorporates a focus on health and well-being, aiming to develop urban areas that provide equitable access to healthcare services, promote a healthy environment, and foster community engagement in health initiatives. 


Reducing income inequality and improving access to healthcare, education, and better living conditions can help address these disparities and improve overall health outcomes in urban areas. Addressing health issues related to urbanization requires a multi-faceted approach that involves collaboration between different government agencies, civil society organizations, and community groups.

Subjects : Social Issues
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