Mains Daily Question
Nov. 21, 2023
Q1. Social accountability is considered a more effective mechanism than the conventional methods of extracting accountability. Do you agree? Justify.(10M, 150W)
Approach to the answer: The question talks about social accountability and whether or not it is more effective than conventional accountability. The approach here should be to start by highlighting issues with conventional accountability and then by stating the significance of social accountability. Introduction We can introduce the answer by defining social accountability or by stating the significance of accountability in general sense vis-à-vis governance. Body Since the directive is do you agree, thus, we must take a stand and state arguments as per our stand. Here, if we agree with the statement, we must justify our standby listing arguments like social audit empowers citizens, ensures participative governance etc. using examples/facts. Conclusion Here we can conclude either by summarizing the arguments of body section or by stating how India can promote social accountability in all spheres of governance. |
Answer: Social accountability is an approach towards ensuring accountability that relies on civic engagement, i.e., in which ordinary citizens and citizen groups participate directly or indirectly in exacting accountability.
Conventional Means of Accountability -
Issues with Conventional Accountability: |
- No Citizen’s Participation: There’s no participation of citizens in exacting accountability.
- For instance, accountability in India is mostly in the form of executive-legislature (Council of Ministers and Parliamentary Committees) or executive-another executive body (Government Officials and Lokpal) etc.
- Poor Grievance Redressal: Since the citizens aren’t empowered, their grievances are often unheard. This results in poor governance perception amongst citizens.
- For instance, in case of inaction of CVC/lokpal there’s no podium to redress grievances.
- Policy Ineffectiveness: The helicopter approach to policy making and no proper way to gauge the performance of policy results in its ineffectiveness.
- For instance, poverty eradication policies of government framed till recently focused entirely on felt needs rather than actual needs.
- Executive’s Discretion: Since the accountability is extracted by government bodies, the discretion on acting on complaints, reports etc. lies with the official. This often leads to conflict of interest and corruption.
- For instance, a grievance redressal/enquiry committee on complaint would be constituted having members associated with maligned officer.
Social Accountability is a more effective mechanism than Conventional Accountability because: |
- Empowers Citizens: It empowers every person to hold the government institutions and officials accountable to them to deliver their rights as citizens.
- For instance, in Kerala, a practice of ‘Participatory Planning and Policy Formulation’ is followed which results in citizens empowerment.
- Raises Awareness: It raises awareness about the law and takes up sustained advocacy for passage of the Bill in the next Assembly session.
- For instance, ‘Participatory Budget Analysis’ is followed in Gujarat which raises awareness about various initiatives undertaken under budget.
- Grievance redressal: The mechanism for redressing grievances ensures time bound action against ineffective official/policy.
- For instance, Citizens’ Surveys/Citizen Report Cards tools are used in Bangalore and Maharashtra which makes administration responsive.
- Improved Governance: Social accountability contributes to improved governance as it increases development effectiveness through better service delivery, and citizen empowerment.
- For instance, Participatory Expenditure Tracking System (practiced in Delhi, Rajasthan) and Citizen Charters (practiced in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka) help in improving governance.
In India, social accountability mechanism is seen in MGNREGA in terms of planning of work, registration of workers and ensuring quality check of assets constructed. Since accountability of government officials is a cornerstone for ensuring good governance, it must be promoted.