Mains Daily Question
Feb. 7, 2022

What do you understand by the term dryland farming? Discuss the significance and measures to enhance dryland farming regions.

Model Answer

Dryland farming is farming in the regions with less than 75 cm annual rainfall. It is characterized by-

  1. Low rainfall with high variability.

  2. Lack of assured irrigation and dependence on monsoon.

  3. Subsistence farming mainly.

Significance of region:

  1. Around 60% of total arable land is rainfed and out of it one-fourth is dry land.

  2. The region contributes to majority of production of nutritional crops like pulses, oilseed, millet, jowar, etc.

  3. Helps in reducing nutritional deficiency especially among poor.

  4. Saves forex reserve by not allowing import of these crops.

  5. Majority of farmers in this region are poor and without uplifting them we can achieve our goal of doubling farmer’s income.

In order to achieve complete food security, remove nutritional deficiency, generate rural employment productivity of dryland region must be increased. For this adoption of better agronomic practices and research is needed. Government has taken various right step in this direction like Integrated Watershed Management Programme, PM Fasal Bima Yojna, KUSUM, etc.

Subjects : Economy
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